Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Interview on WVXU

This morning I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Maryanne Zeleznik of WVXU. I had never been interviewed on radio. The opportunity to talk about SmartToyChoice.com was fantastic. But I selfishly really enjoyed the experience! Maryanne was very welcoming and kind, as was everyone I met at WVXU. The interview went very smoothly then I was off to take my kids to their swim lessons. What more could a mom ask for but a chance to talk about helping other parents with toy recalls and a great day at the pool?

The interview will air during Cincinnati Edition this Sunday, December 23rd at 7:00am. If you are in Cincinnati you can tune your radio to 91.7fm. Or listen online at www.WVXU.org during the broadcast or later from the Cincinnati Edition archives.

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